Tranglo spreads “Sharing Joy” philosophy to school children in Indonesia

  • CSR

Tranglo Sdn. Bhd. (Tranglo) the global pioneer in cross-border digital transactions has recently completed a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) exercise with its partners from Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. Working with Indonesia’s leading NGO; Dompet Dhuafa, Tranglo contributed IDR2,000 through each cross-border airtime remittance to an Indonesian mobile number for the purchase of much needed school uniforms.

Benefiting the underprivileged school children in Indonesia’s Nusa Tenggara Barat –a region where residents rely on hard labour work opportunities in surrounding countries, leaving young children without the consistent physical presence of their parent

Tranglo partnered with Singapore’s Singteland, Malaysia’s Tune Talk and REDTone leading mobile operators and topup retailers to make this important effort possible. This is the first time that Tranglo has tapped on its long-developed relationships with its partners in the airtime remittance, to accomplish a CSR exercise which it feels is necessary.

Mobile subscribers went about performing their usual airtime remittances to beneficiary mobile numbers in Indonesia, and contributions were made instantly with no hassle imposed on the user. Senders also did not incur any extra charges or fees by participating in this CSR effort.

The program ran from June 1, 2015 to July 31, 2015. A total of 16 schools participated in the CSR program benefitting 3,000 school children. The uniform handing ceremony was conducted in the Sekolah Negeri 08 Kota Bima (NTB School venue) with the presence of Dompet Dhuafa Dhuafa CSR Director, Herdiansah(Name & Position ) and Sutiandi, VP, Business Development of PT Tranglo.

All contributions have been directly credited to Dompet Dhuafa. These financial contribution was used as planned to procure the much needed school uniforms benefiting the deserving children in Nusa Tenggara Barat.

“We hope with this contribution, we can boost the spirit of the school children to stay in school. It is also a very meaningful gift to the deserving students as it coincides with the nation 70th birthday. ” said Sutiandi during the event.”

Herdiansah further adds “This month, Indonesia celebrates the 70th Independence Day. I hope with this assistance from Tranglo, the children in Nusa Tenggara Barat can strive to study harder in the school”

The Participating schools are:

  1. SDN 1 Montong Are
  2. SDN 2 Montong Are
  3. SDN 3 Montong Are
  4. SDN 1 Kediri
  5. SDN 2 Kediri
  6. SDN 3 Kediri Selatan
  7. SDN 64 Kota Bima
  8. SDN 66 Kota Bima
  9. SDN 69 Kota Bima
  10. SDN 76 Kota Bima
  11. SDN 08 Kota Bima
  12. SDN 52 Kota Bima
  13. SDN 71 Kota Bima
  14. MIS Ndano Nae
  15. SDN 36 Kota Bima
  16. SDN 37 Kota Bima


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