
Partners use this method to initiate and confirm the fund transfer operation via GloRemit. The method is non-reversible and committed in real-time. Whenever applicable, Partners should use Get_Validation (SOAP) to check and confirm the validity of a Beneficiary account before using this method to ensure highest success rate.

Do_Transfer (SOAP) would always return “968-Transaction Pending” if the transaction is accepted. Partners are required to call Get_TrxStatus (SOAP) to retrieve the final status of the sent transaction. Normally it will take a few seconds to process and finalize a transaction’s status.

Request Description

Parameter NameRequiredMin/Max LengthTypeDescriptionRemarks
UIDM5/50AlphanumericUsername for validation.Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types
PWDM5/50AlphanumericPassword for validation, 3DES encrypted.Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types
rspSignM32/50AlphanumericDigital signature of RSP.
(Please refer to Digital signature)
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types
UIDBranchO1/16NumericRSP branch identifier.
If no branch ID, value as NULL.
Optional for all countries and beneficiary account types
transIDM6/64Alphanumeric6 digits or more unique transaction ID from RSP on 7 day basis. Duplicated ID within the last 7 calendar days (GMT +8 timezone) will be declined.
If the same transID were used, the system will validate against the transaction details.
* The new request with DIFFERENT transaction details will be rejected with error duplicate transID, else system will respond the same as per first request.
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types
sFirstNameM1/100AlphanumericSender's First Name.Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types if sender last name is blank
sLastNameO1/100AlphanumericSender's Last Name.Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types if sender first name is blank
sIdTypeM1/30NumericSender Identification Type.
(Please refer to Sender)
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types
sIdNumM8/50AlphanumericSender Identification Number.Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types
sIdExpiryC10/10StringSender ID Expiry Date.
Date Format:
Conditional for all countries and beneficiary account types
sContactNumM8/30NumericSender Contact Number.
Please specify in Country code + MSISDN format.
For e.g. Indonesia = 628123456789.
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types
sOccupationO1/50AlphanumericSender Occupation.Optional for all countries and beneficiary account types
sFundSourceM1/50AlphanumericSender’s source of fund.
(Please refer to Sender)
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types

*Not applicable for Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
sBirthDateM10/10AlphanumericSender’s Birth date.
Date Format:
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types

*Not applicable for Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
sEmailO1/50AlphanumericSender email address.Optional for all countries and beneficiary account types
sAddressM2/50AlphanumericSender’s Full Address.Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types
sCityO2/30AlphanumericSender’s resident city.Optional for most countries and beneficiary account types except mandatory for:

Australia (1)
Ghana (1,2)
SEPA Countries (1)
Uganda (2)
China (8)

*Not applicable for Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
sPostCodeO1/50NumericSender’s address postcode.Optional for all countries and beneficiary account types
sCountryM2/5AlphanumericSender’s Nationality.
Accept ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 or Alpha-3 ONLY
(Please refer to ISO 3166 Country Code)
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types
sCurrencyM3/6AlphanumericRSP Currency Code as per RSP GSVA Wallet.
Do not send as Sender currency.
(Please refer to ISO 4217 Currency Code)
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types
bCountryM2/5AlphanumericBeneficiary’s Country.
(Country value serves as identity purpose only. It has no impact on Sender or Beneficiary currency used.)
Accept ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 ONLY

(Please refer to ISO 3166 Country Code)
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types
bCurrencyM3/6AlphanumericBeneficiary’s Currency Code.
(Please refer to ISO 4217 Currency Code)
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types
FR KeyO16/25AlphanumericFor Future Use.Optional for all countries and beneficiary account types

*Not applicable for Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
sAmountO1/16NumericSender Amount from RSP based on sCurrency.
* Cannot leave it blank. If does not have this information, please put 0 in sAmount field, and cannot leave it as blank.
Optional for all countries and beneficiary account types

*Not applicable for Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
trxValueM1/16NumericTotal Amount.
Please specify the total amount to send denominated in bCurrency.
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types

*Not applicable for Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
bFirstNameM1/100AlphanumericBeneficiary's first name.
* If Credit to China Bank Account, FirstName is Given name. Best practice, if name is in Chinese, put all characters in bFirstName field and leave bLastName empty. If the name submitted in Roman Character (E.G. English), system will send a SMS to the beneficiary to enter the name according to the bank system
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types

*Not applicable for Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
bLastNameO1/100AlphanumericBeneficiary's last name.
* If Credit to China Bank Account, LastName is the Sur name Best practice, if name is in Chinese, put all characters in bFirstName field and leave bLastName empty. If the name submitted in Roman Character (E.G. English), system will send a SMS to the beneficiary to enter the name according to the bank system.
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types

*Not applicable for Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
bAccTypeM1/30NumericBeneficiary Account Type.
(Please refer to Beneficiary)
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types

*Not applicable for Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
bIssuerCodeM3/16AlphanumericBeneficiary Account Issuer Code.
* such as banks, e-wallet operator or mobile operators.
(Please refer to Service Spec)
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types
BankProvinceO1/100AlphanumericBank located province.Optional for all countries and beneficiary account types
BankCityO1/100AlphanumericBank located city.
* Reserve for future purpose
Optional for all countries and beneficiary account types
BankBranchNameO1/100AlphanumericReserve for future purpose.Optional for most countries and beneficiary account types except mandatory for:

Japan (1)
BankBranchCodeC1/100AlphanumericBank Branch Code or IFSC code.
* If and only if Credit to Australia, Bangladesh, India and Japan Bank Account.
(Please refer to GloRemit API Code List)
Conditional for most countries and beneficiary account types except mandatory for:

Bangladesh (1,10)
India (1,7,10)
Thailand (1)
Australia (1)
Brazil (1)
bAccNumM1/45AlphanumericBeneficiary Account Number or any other unique account identifier as determined by Beneficiary issuer Optional when bAccType = 5 (Cash Pickup).Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types
bIdTypeC1/30AlphanumericBeneficiary Identification Type.
(Please refer to Beneficiary)
* Cannot leave it blank. If does not have this information, please put 0 in bIdType field, cannot leave it as blank.
Conditional for most countries and beneficiary account types except mandatory for:

Cambodia (1,5)
Indonesia (1)
Australia (1)
Brazil (1)
Ghana (1)
Mongolia (1)
UAE (1)
SEPA countries (1)

*Not applicable for Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
bIdNumC1/30AlphanumericBeneficiary Identification Number.
* It's mandatory if bIdType is 1-7.
* If bIdType is 0, can leave it blank.
Conditional for most countries and beneficiary account types except mandatory for:

Cambodia (1,5)
Indonesia (1)
Australia (1)
Brazil (1)
Ghana (1)
Mongolia (1)
UAE (1)
SEPA countries (1)

*Not applicable for Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
bContactNumC1/50NumericBeneficiary’s contact number.
Please specify in Country code + MSISDN format.
For e.g. Indonesia = 628123456789 Tranglo will send SMS for bAccType=5
Conditional for most countries and beneficiary account types except mandatory for:

All countries (5,7,9,13)
India (1,10)
Cambodia (1,2,8)
Australia (1)
South Korea (1)
Brazil (1)
Ghana (1,2)
Mongolia (1)
Hong Kong (1)
Egypt (1)
UAE (1)
China (1)
SEPA countries (1)
Uganda (2)
Vietnam (1)

*Not applicable to Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
RelationshipM1/30NumericBeneficiary and Sender Relationship.Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types

*Not applicable for Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
bAddressC1/50AlphanumericBeneficiary’s Full Address.
Required if bAccType=9.
Conditional for most countries and beneficiary account types except mandatory for:

Australia (1)
Mongolia (1,5)
Cambodia (1)
Japan (1)
China (1)
SEPA countries (1)
All countries (9)

*Not applicable for Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
bCityO1/50AlphanumericBeneficiary’s resident city.Optional for most countries and beneficiary account types except mandatory for:

Australia (1)
All countries (9)

*Not applicable for Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
bPostCodeO1/50AlphanumericBeneficiary address postcode.Optional for most countries and beneficiary account types except mandatory for:

Australia (1)
SEPA countries (1)
All countries (9)

*Not applicable for Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
bEmailO1/50AlphanumericBeneficiary’s email address.Optional for all countries and beneficiary account types
bProvinceCodeC1/50AlphanumericBeneficiary’s province code.
Required for PT POS Cash Pickup Transactions and Australia Account Channel Transaction.
Conditional for most countries and beneficiary account types except mandatory for:

Australia (1)
Indonesia (5)

*Not applicable for Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
bRegencyCodeC1/50AlphanumericBeneficiary’s regency city code.
Required for PT POS Cash Pickup Transactions and Australia Account Channel Transaction.
Conditional for most countries and beneficiary account types except mandatory for:

Australia (1)
SEPA countries (1)
India, only for TRADE transactions (1,7,10)

*Not applicable to Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
bPayoutIDC1/16AlphanumericBeneficiary’s payout ID or cash pick up code.
To submit the earlier Get_Payoutcode result
Conditional for all countries and beneficiary account types

*Not applicable to Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
bPayoutPINC1/30AlphanumericBeneficiary’s payout PIN or cash pick up password.
To submit the earlier Get_Payoutcode result
Conditional for all countries and beneficiary account types

*Not applicable to Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
bPurposeCodeM1/5NumericPurpose of the Transaction.
(Please refer to Sender)
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types

*Not applicable to Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
bNationalityO2/5AlphanumericBeneficiary's Nationality.
Accept ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 or Alpha-3 ONLY
(Please refer to ISO 3166 Country Code)
Optional for most countries and beneficiary account types except mandatory for:

All countries (2,7,8,9,10)

*Not applicable to Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
bBirthDateO8/10AlphanumericBeneficiary's Birth Date.
Date Format:
Optional for all countries and beneficiary account types

*Not applicable to Bill Payment (bAccType=6)
sOriginCountryM2/2AlphanumericOrigin Country of the fund.
Accept ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 or Alpha-3 ONLY
(Please refer to ISO 3166 Country Code)
Mandatory for all countries and beneficiary account types

*Not applicable to Bill Payment (bAccType=6)

Response Description

GloRemit server will return a XML format with response code and GTN transaction number when RSP request is accepted.

1   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2   <string xmlns="">
3     <TrxStatus>Status</TrxStatus>
4     <GTN>Code</GTN>
5     <transID>Transaction ID</transID>
6     <PayoutPIN>Payout Pin</PayoutPIN>
7     <Description>Description</Description>
8     <LastBal>Balance Value</LastBal>
9     <CurrRate>Currency Rate</CurrRate>
10  </string>
Parameter NameRequiredTypeRemark
TrxStatusMNumericTransaction status response code.
(Please refer to Transaction status)
GTNMAlphanumericTransaction GTN number. (14characters)
transIDMAlphanumericUnique Transaction ID from RSP.
PayoutPINOAlphanumericPayout PIN from cash out supplier.
DescriptionMAlphanumericTransaction description or advice.
LastBalMNumericThe latest balance of RSP e-wallet.
CurrRateMNumericThe transaction currency rate.

M= Mandatory, C= Conditional, O= Optional