This method will returns the supported mobile operators of a Country.
Request Parameters
No. | Parameter Name | Mandatory/ Optional | Parameter Data Type | Sample Parameter Data | Description |
1 | Credentials.UID | M | String | partner_api | The API user ID that assigned to partner. |
2 | Credentials.PWD | M | String | m8tA24bW | The API password that assigned to partner. |
3 | Credentials.Signature | M | String | e0ea4fc301155 2e6f799a447 e72f9341 | The digital signature that hashed with MD5 algorithm. Please refer section “Appendix: Digital Signature Hashing Algorithm” to hashing reference. |
4 | DealerTransactionID | M | String | 0a792511-5f1a-4705- 9381-b628992b1a2d | The unique transaction ID from partner system. |
5 | Country | M | String | India | Partner required to pass in the country name returned from method “Country_Enquiry” |
Sample Request
1 <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" 2 xmlns:tem="http://tempuri.org/" 3 xmlns:tran="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Tranglo20.Business.Processor" 4 xmlns:tran1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Tranglo20.Common.Entity"> 5 <soapenv:Header/> 6 <soapenv:Body> 7 <tem:Operator_Enquiry> 8 <tem:req> 9 <tran:Credentials> 10 <tran1:UID>partner_api</tran1:UID> 11 <tran1:PWD> m8tA24bW</tran1:PWD> 12 <tran1:Signature> e0ea4fc3011552e6f799a447e72f9341</tran1:Signature> 13 </tran:Credentials> 14 <tran:DealerTransactionId>1010</tran:DealerTransactionId> 15 <tran:Country>Bangladesh</tran:Country> 16 </tem:req> 17 </tem: Operator_Enquiry> 18 </soapenv:Body> 19 </soapenv:Envelope>
Response Parameters
No. | Parameter Name | Parameter Data Type | Sample Parameter Data | Description |
1 | Status.Code | String | 000 | The status code of the request. |
2 | Status.Description | String | Transaction is Successful | The description of the status code. |
3 | Status.Type | String | Approved | The category of the status code. |
4 | SupportedCountry | String | Bangladesh | The country of the operator list. |
5 | Operator | String | Bangladesh Robi Axiata|Bangladesh Banglalink| Bangladesh GrameenPhone | The list of supported operators under the queried country. The list is delimited with “|”. |
6 | OperatorCode | String | AK|BD_AT|BL|GP | The API operator code for the operator list. This Operator Code will be used for parameter “OperatorCode” of method Reload_Reload/Request_ReloadSync. The list is delimited with “|”. |
7 | SupportFlexi | String | YES|YES|YES|YES | This parameter is to tell the individual operator whether support flexible range of denomination. Flexible range of denomination is means the operator allowed to do recharge with a denomination that fall under a range of supported value, such as from BDT10 to BDT1000. Partner can query more information on the flexible range of denomination using method “FlexiDenom_Enquiry”. |
Sample Response
1 <a:SupportedCountry>Bangladesh</a:SupportedCountry> 2 <a:Operator>Bangladesh Robi Axiata|Bangladesh Airtel|Bangladesh Banglalink|Bangladesh GrameenPhone</a:Operator> 3 <a:OperatorCode>AK|BD_AT|BL|GP</a:OperatorCode> 4 <a:SupportFlexi>YES|YES|YES|YES</a:SupportFlexi> 5 </Operator_EnquiryResponseResult> 6 </Operator_EnquiryResponse> 7 </s:Body> 8 </s:Envelope>