This method will return the list of information of a flexible range denomination that supported by an operator or product.
Request Parameters
No. | Parameter Name | Mandatory/ Optional | Parameter | Sample Parameter Data | Description |
1 | Credentials.UID | M | String | partner_api | The API user ID that assigned to partner. |
2 | Credentials.PWD | M | String | m8tA24bW | The API password that assigned to partner. |
3 | Credentials.Signature | M | String | e0ea4fc301155 2e6f799a447e7 2f9341 | The digital signature that hashed with MD5 algorithm. Please refer section “Appendix: Digital Signature Hashing Algorithm” to hashing reference. |
4 | DealerTransactionId | M | String | 12345678 | The unique transaction ID from partner system. |
5 | OperatorCode | M | String | AK | The code of the operator that you want to query the denomination list. |
Sample Request
1 <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" 2 xmlns:tem="http://tempuri.org/" 3 xmlns:tran="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Tranglo20.Business.Processor" 4 xmlns:tran1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Tranglo20.Common.Entity"> 5 <soapenv:Header/> 6 <soapenv:Body> 7 <tem:FlexiDenom_Enquiry> 8 <tem:req> 9 <tran:Credentials> 10 <tran1:UID>maxis</tran1:UID> 11 <tran1:PWD>138862</tran1:PWD> 12 <tran1:Signature>2fdecf394b99dc508ad787d622dde74c</tran1:Signature> 13 </tran:Credentials> 14 <tran:DealerTransactionId>1010</tran:DealerTransactionId> 15 <tran:OperatorCode>AK</tran:OperatorCode> 16 </tem:req> 17 </tem:FlexiDenom_Enquiry> 18 </soapenv:Body> 19 </soapenv:Envelope>
Response Parameters
No. | Parameter Name | Parameter Data Type | Sample Parameter Data | Description |
1 | Status.Code | String | 000 | The status code of the request. |
2 | Status.Description | String | Transaction is Successful | The description of the status code. |
3 | Status.Type | String | Approved | The category of the status code. There is 3 different Type – Approved, Error, and Pending. |
4 | Country | String | Bangladesh | The country of the operator or product. |
5 | Operator | String | Bangladesh Robi Axiata | The full name of the operator or product. |
6 | OperatorCode | String | AK | The code of the operator. |
7 | DenomCurrency | String | BDT | The currency of the denomination. |
8 | MinValue | Decimal | 10 | The minimum value from the flexible range of the denomination. |
9 | MaxValue | Decimal | 1000 | The maximum value from the flexible range of the denomination. |
10 | Forex_Currency | String | USD | The currency of the forex rate returned on the “Denom_Forex” parameter. |
11 | Denom_Forex | Double | 0.01247 | The forex rate for the flexible denomination that partner can use to calculate the price of the requested denomination. Example: if the forex rate for Bangladesh product = 0.01247 and partner request BDT65 as the recharge denomination, the price will be deducted from partner e-wallet is 65 x 0.01247 = 0.81 |
12 | AmountStep | Decimal | 1 | The incremental step of the flexible denomination. For example: if the step = 1, the supported denomination will be like 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and so on. |
13 | Discount | Decimal | 3.5 | The discount applied for the product. The product price calculated using the “Denom_Forex” will be further deducted with the discount, then it will be the actual price to be deducted from partner e-wallet. |
Sample Response
1 <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> 2 <s:Body> 3 <GetFlexiDenomResponse xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"> <GetFlexiDenomResult 4 xmlns:a="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Tranglo20.Business.Processor" 5 xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> 6 <a:Status xmlns:b="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Tranglo20.Common.Entity"> 7 <b:Code>000</b:Code> 8 <b:Description>Transaction is Successful</b:Description> 9 <b:Type>Approved</b:Type> 10 </a:Status> 11 <a:Country>Bangladesh</a:Country> 12 <a:Operator>Bangladesh Robi Axiata</a:Operator> 13 <a:OperatorCode>AK</a:OperatorCode> 14 <a:DenomCurrency>BDT</a:DenomCurrency> 15 <a:MinValue>10</a:MinValue> 16 <a:MaxValue>1000</a:MaxValue> 17 <a:Forex_Currency>USD</a:Forex_Currency> 18 <a:Denom_Forex>0.01247</a:Denom_Forex> 19 <a:AmountStep>1</a:AmountStep> 20 <a:Discount>0</a:Discount> 22 </GetFlexiDenomResult> 23 </GetFlexiDenomResponse> 24 </s:Body> 25 </s:Envelope>