
Bank account

Service specification

Direct to Bank methodDirect credit to bank account in Australia Dollar (AUD).
Supported beneficiary account type – Individual & company.
Supported sender type - Individual & company.
Transaction Turnaround TimeNPP: 24x7 (within 5 minutes)
Direct Entry: 24x7 (T+1 Australia Banking Day)
Transaction LimitMaximum per Transaction AUD 100,000.00
Minimum per Transaction AUD 1.00
Compliance accumulated limit AUD 30,000.00 per day per Beneficiary

Transaction will be on hold for compliance review based on the supporting document should the sender or receiver has exceeded the compliance limit.

For Individual transactions, the following information / document of beneficiary is required:
i) Sender ID copy and Sender pay slip or
ii) Sender ID copy and Sender bank statement.

For Business transactions, the following information / document of beneficiary is required:
i) Company incorporation document and the invoice.
Company incorporation document as in registration document showing its registration details such as country
Maximum BeneficiaryNo restriction
Service ChargeTransaction Fee will be refunded on best effort basis once the Transaction is accepted by the gloRemit® Service System and submitted by the gloRemit® Service System to the Payout Channel.
Cancellation ProcessCancellation is on best effort basis.
Remarks1. A Bank State Branch (often referred to as "BSB") is the name used in Australia for a bank code, which is a branch identifier. The BSB is normally used in association with the account number system used by each financial institution.

To view all BSB codes for Australia, kindly refer to the link below to get the necessary information:

2. Mandatory field(s) for Australia Bank Transfer:
a) Sender Address
b) Sender City
c) Sender Postcode
d) Beneficiary Address
e) Beneficiary City
f) Beneficiary Province Code
g) Beneficiary Regency Code
h) Beneficiary Postcode
i) Bank Branch Code (must be filled in with BSB code)

3. Sender and Beneficiary addresses are mandatory for Australia Bank Transfer.
A) Guidelines for a full Sender Address to Australia.
i) Street No.
ii) Unit No.
iii) City
iv) State
v) Postal Code
vi) Country

B) Guidelines for a full Bene Address of Australia.
i) Street No.
ii) Unit No.
iii) City
iv) State
v) Postal Code
vi) Country

C) Australia Suburb (bRegencyCode), please refer to this URL:

D) Australia Post code (bPostcode) = 4 digits.

4. Only NPP (New Payments Platform) account numbers are supported.

5. If the bank and beneficiary account supports NPP services, it will be processed via NPP. Else, the transaction would be processed via Direct Entry

Please refer to Table A below for the List of Australia State (bProvinceCode).
Please refer to Table B below for the List of Purpose Code for Business Type.
Please refer to Table C below for the List of supported banks.
Do_Transfer bAccType Value1

Table A: List of Australia States (bProvinceCode)

Australia State Code (bProvinceCode)Australia State Name (Description)
NSWNew South Wales
SASouth Australia
WAWest Australia
ACTAustralia Capital
NTNorthern Territory

Table B: List of Purpose Code for Business Type is as below:

NoPurpose CodePurpose Code DescriptionSender TypeBeneficiary Type
101000Beverages and TobaccoBusinessBusiness
202000Crude Materials, Inedible except FuelsBusinessBusiness
303000Mineral Fuels, Lubricants and Related MaterialsBusinessBusiness
404000Animals and Vegetable Oils, Fats and WaxesBusinessBusiness
505000Chemicals and Related Products, n.c.e.BusinessBusiness
606000Manufactured GoodsBusinessBusiness
707000Machinery, Non-Customised Packaged Software and Transport EquipmentBusinessBusiness
807100Power Lines, Pipelines and Undersea Communication CablesBusinessBusiness
909000Miscellaneous Transactions and Commodities n.c.e.BusinessBusiness
1009700Mineral Fuels, Lubricants and Related MaterialsBusinessBusiness
1110010Goods for Processing/Manufacturing ServicesBusinessBusiness
1213110Goods and Services by TravellersBusinessBusiness
1313210Goods and ServicesBusinessBusiness
1413220Goods and Services by Short Term WorkersBusinessBusiness
1514420Subsidiaries on Products and ProductionsBusinessBusiness
1615000Government Goods and Services Transactions N.I.EBusinessBusiness
1716321Claim Settlements on High Risk Insurance Relating to Fire, Marine, Aviation etc.BusinessBusiness
1816322Claim Settlements on Other General InsuranceBusinessBusiness
1916323Claim Paid/Received on Life InsuranceBusinessBusiness
2016324Claim Paid/Received on ReinsuranceBusinessBusiness
2116325Claim Paid/Received on Insurance on GoodsBusinessBusiness
2216711Merchanting trade in MalaysiaBusinessBusiness
2316712Merchanting trade in AbroadBusinessBusiness

Table C: List of supported banks

NoNameIssuer Code
1AMP Bank Limited610002
2Arab Bank Australia Limited610003
3Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited610004
4Australian Military Bank610005
5Australian Settlements Limited610006
6Bank Australia610007
7Bank of China Australia Limited610008
8Bank of Melbourne610010
9Bank of Queensland Limited610011
10Bank SA610013
11Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited610015
12Beyond Bank Australia610016
13Commonwealth Bank610017
14Defence Bank610018
15Delphi Bank610019
16Heritage Bank610021
17HSBC Bank Australia Limited610023
18Hume Bank610024
19IMB Bank610025
20ING Bank610026
21Macquarie Bank Limited610027
22Members Equity Bank610028
23National Australia Bank Limited610030
24St. George Bank Limited610036
25Suncorp-Metway Limited610037
26Teachers Mutual Bank Limited610038
27Westpac Banking Corporation610041
28Auswide Bank610043
29Citibank Australia610044
30Australia Post610045
32Bank of Us610047
33Bank of America National Association610048
34Bank of Communications610050
35Bank of Sydney Ltd610051
37BNP Paribas610055
38BNP Paribas Securities Services610056
39Capricornian Limited610057
40Community First Credit Union Limited610058
41Great Southern Bank 610060
42Cuscal Limited610061
43Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft610062
44G And C Mutual Bank610065
45Gateway Bank Limited610066
46Holiday Coast Credit Union Ltd610069
47Indue Ltd610071
48Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited610072
49JP Morgan Chase Bank, National Association610074
50The Mutual Bank610075
51Mega International Commercial Bank Co Limited610078
52Mizuho Bank Limited610079
53Newcastle Permanent Building Society Ltd610080
54Reserve Bank of Australia610083
55Southern Cross Credit Union Ltd610087
56State Street Bank and Trust Company610088
57Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation610089
58Summerland Credit Union Ltd610090
59Taiwan Business Bank 610092
60Tyro Payments Limited610093
61UBS AG Australia Branch610094
62United Overseas Bank Limited610095
63Uniting Financial Services610096
64Warwick Credit Union Ltd610097
65BOQ Specialist610099
66Challenge Bank610100
67China Construction Bank610101
68Regional Australia Bank610104
69Unity Bank610105
70Town And Country Bank610106
71Bankers Trust Australia610107
72MUFG Bank610108
73Volt Bank610109
74Home Building Society610112
75Pioneer Permanent Building Society610113
76Queensland Country Credit Union610114
77RACQ Bank610103
79Police & Nurse610117
80American Express610118
81Australian Mutual Bank610119
82Australian Unity610120
83AWA Alliance Bank610121
86Bank of Heritage Isle610124
87Bank WAW610125
88BCU Bank610126
89Border Bank610127
90Broken Hill Community Credit Union Ltd610128
91Central Murray Credit Union Limited610129
92Coastline Credit Union Ltd610130
93Credit Union SA610131
96Family First Bank Limited610134
97Firefighters Mutual Bank Limited610135
98First Option Bank610136
99Geelong Bank610137
100Goulburn Murray Credit Union610138
101Greater Bank610020
102Health Professionals Bank610140
103Horizon Bank610141
104Illawarra Credit Union Limited610142
105Laboratories Credit Union Limited610143
106LLL Australia610144
107Macarthur Credit Union Ltd610145
108MyState Bank610029
109Northern Inland Credit Union610148
110Orange Credit Union610149
111People's Choice Credit Union610150
112Police Bank610032
113Police Credit Union Ltd610151
115Qudos Bank610033
116Reliance Bank610153
117Rural Bank610154
118South West Slopes Credit Union Ltd610155
119Summerland Bank610156
122Up Bank610158
123Virgin Money610159