
Partner use this method to do watch list check via GloRemit system. The list contains the names, identification details, possible used addresses, and other supporting information regarding about the possible suspects around the world involved in terrorism, money laundering and various other criminal activities.

The GloRemit has further enhanced to AMLA (Anti-Money Laundering), ATFA (AntiTerrorism Financing) and Security features. This will able to help to prompt/notify/warn Partners the send transaction ever process any suspected person in the watch list. Partners will able to carry out better and more stringent KYC measures which this feature.

Request Description

Parameter NameRequiredMin/Max LengthTypeRemark
UIDM5/50AlphanumericUsername for validation.
PWDM5/50AlphanumericPassword for validationn, 3DES encrypted.
rspSignM32/50AlphanumericDigital signature of RSP.
(Please refer to Digital signature)
UIDBranchO1/16NumericRSP branch identifier.
If no branch ID, value as NULL.
FirstNameO1/300AlphanumericFirst Name.
LastNameO1/300AlphanumericLast Name.
Accept ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 or Alpha-3 ONLY
(Please refer to ISO 3166 Country Code)
pPassportNoO1/1000AlphanumericPassport No.

Response Description

GloRemit server will return a XML format with response code when RSP request is accepted.

 1   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 2   <string xmlns=>
 3     <Status>Status</Status>
 4     <Name>Name</Name>
 5     <Description>Description</Description>
 6   </string> 
Parameter NameRequiredType Remark
StatusMNumericStatus Code.
NameMStringWatchlist Full name.
DescriptionMStringResponse Description.

M= Mandatory, C= Conditional, O= Optional