
RSP can use this method to request amendment on beneficiary name. Amendment request will be based on the transaction status and corridors. For cash pickup transaction, only transaction with the payout status “In Process” or “Unclaim” is able to be amend. For banks transactions, the amendment is strictly based on the banks and country regulations.

Request Description

Parameter NameRequiredMin/Max LengthTypeRemark
UIDM5/50AlphanumericUsername for validation.
PWDM5/50AlphanumericPassword for validation, 3DES encrypted.
rspSignM32/50AlphanumericDigital signature of RSP.
(Please refer to Digital signature)
transIDC3/6AlphanumericUnique transaction ID used by RSP in Change Name method.
trangloTransactionIdM14/14AlphanumericTransaction GTN number. (14 characters)
beneFirstNameM1/100AlphanumericNew beneficiary first name.
beneLastNameM1/100AlphanumericNew beneficiary last name.

Response Description

 1   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 2   <string xmlns=>
 3     <TrxStatus>TrxStatus</TrxStatus>
 4     <ChangeId>ChangeID</ChangeId>
 5     <transID>transID</transID>
 6     <Description>Description</Description>
 7   </string> 
Parameter NameRequiredTypeRemark
TrxStatusMNumericTransaction status response code.
(Please refer to Transaction status)
ChangeIDMAlphaNumeric15-character change name ID.
transIDMAlphaNumericUnique Transaction ID from RSP.
DescriptionMAlphaNumericTransaction description or advice.

M= Mandatory, C= Conditional, O= Optional