Transaction status (ValidateStatus and TrxStatus)

As stated in the response XML/JSON payload string of Do_Transfer and Get_TrxStatus methods.

000ApprovedTransaction is Successful.-
102DeclinedInsufficient GSVA fund.Contact [email protected] to topup Customer wallet
103DeclinedBlacklisted Beneficiary.Beneficiary name is found to be full match in UN or OFAC or other official sanction list
104DeclinedBeneficiary name mismatched or empty.For Get_Validation only. Name mismatch means account is valid but the name provided by Customer is does not match exactly with the bank’s records. Customer may ignore or update Customer records with updated Beneficiary name prior to sending Do_Transfer
106DeclinedCustomer Account Inactive.Contact [email protected] to reactivate account.
107DeclinedBlacklisted Beneficiary.Blacklisted Beneficiary or Beneficiary name is found to be full match in UN or OFAC or other official sanction list
302ErrorInternal Server Error.Customer can retry the transaction until successful. In addition to that, Customer can also use Get_TrxStatus SOAP method to check for transaction status if there is no response coming back due to network timeout or other errors.
900ErrorInvalid Username or Password / Invalid Signature.-
902ErrorInvalid Beneficiary Currency.Please ensure correct currency as per target country.
905ErrorInvalid Customer Amount.-
906ErrorInvalid Bank or Issuer code.-
907ErrorInvalid Beneficiary ID.-
908ErrorInvalid Beneficiary Amount.-
909ErrorBeneficiary account limit exceeded.Please refer to Service Specification transaction limit session of each corridor.
910ErrorTransaction not found in TB system.-
911 Error Transaction expired.-
912 Error Invalid Branch ID or Bank Branch Code.-
913 Error Invalid/Duplicate Transaction ID.-
914 Error Invalid Beneficiary Identification Type.-
915 Error Invalid Beneficiary Account Type.-
916 Error Invalid Birthdate.-
917 Error Beneficiary Country / Nationality.-
918 Error Invalid Beneficiary Account Number.-
919 Error Invalid Relationship Code.-
921 Error Invalid Source of fund Code.-
922 Error Invalid Purpose Code.-
930 Error Transaction Rejected by Issuer.Customer should NOT retry the transaction as it is rejected internally by
Beneficiary Issuer systems.
931 Error Transaction Rejected – Issuer system busy. Customer can retry the transaction until successful. In addition to that, Customer can also use Get_TrxStatus SOAP method to check for transaction status if there is no response coming back due to network timeout or other errors.
932DeclinedValidation Not Supported.Error based on Beneficiary country and transaction type combination.
933DeclinedTransaction Rejected due Name Mismatch.-
934DeclinedTransaction Rejected due invalid account number
/ account dormant.
945PendingCancellation / Change Name request is in Progress.-
DeclinedDuplicate Cancellation / Change Name Request.-
947ErrorCancellation / Change Name Transaction Not
948DeclinedCancellation / Change Name Not Possible.-
949DeclinedNo Code Found for Cancellation / Change Name.-
967SuspectedTransaction is suspected. Customer should NOT retry the transaction. This normally happens when Tranglo Business system is unable to confirm whether the Beneficiary bank has accepted or rejected the transaction.
Please email to [email protected] for follow-up.
968PendingTransaction is pending.Customer can also use Get_TrxStatus SOAP method to check for transaction status.
969PendingTransaction under process.Customer can also use Get_TrxStatus SOAP method to check for transaction status.
981DeclinedExceed Daily Transfer Amount Limit.Please refer to Service Specification transaction limit session of each corridor.
982DeclinedExceed Per Transaction Amount Limit.Please refer to Service Specification transaction limit session of each corridor.
999ErrorGeneral or Network Error.Customer can retry the transaction till success.

Only Applicable for Cash Pickup Transaction

Payout StatusTypeDescription
In ProcessPendingTransaction is pending to be claimed.
ClaimedApprovedBeneficiary has claimed the money.
CancelledDeclinedTransaction has been cancelled / expired.

Only Approved and Pending type of transaction is considered as accepted in Tranglo Business systems. Customer should reconcile the Approved and Pending transaction before attempt to retry or discard in Customer systems.

Error and Declined transaction type is considered failed and Customer systems can freely retry transactions.

Suspected transaction type is considered as Pending. Customer system MUST NOT retry transactions with Suspected status. Tranglo support team will be investigating such transactions and will update the transaction status once we have confirmation. Customer may email Tranglo Support for check for status of the investigation.


Currency code ISO 4217

Country code ISO 3166