API response code 

No Status
Status Type Status Description Remark 
000 Approved Transaction is Successful Transaction is success. DO NOT Refund or Reprocess. 
968 Pending Transaction is Pending Transaction is still in processing. DO NOT Refund or Reprocess.
900 Error Invalid Username or
The username/password credentials in invalid.
901 Error Invalid Product The request operator code/denomination is invalid or not
902 Error Insufficient balance on
Dealer Wallet
Partner e-wallet balance is insufficient to process the
903 Error Invalid Destination MSISDN The recipient MSISDN is invalid. Length or the numbering prefix is incorrect.
904 Error Invalid Denom The supplied denomination is not valid.
905 Error Product Price not found There is no pricing is configured for the request product. Please check with Tranglo Sales team.
906 Error Invalid Signature The digital signature is invalid. 
10 907 Error Operator Suspended The requested product is temporary not available. Please try
again after some time.
10 910 Error Transaction Not Found The transaction is not found in Tranglo system.
12 930 Error Destination number 
Rejected by Telco
The transaction rejected by operator due to error related to the
recipient number or account number.
13 931 Error Destination number is invalidThe recipient number or account number in invalid
14 932 Error Destination Number in InactiveThe recipient number or account number in inactive.
15 933 Error Destination Number is Barred by OperatorThe recipient number or account number in suspended.
16 934 Error Destination Number is Not RegisteredThe recipient number or account number in not registered on operator system. The owner of the account or number required to check with the operator.
17 935 Error Destination Number is Blocked For ReloadThe recipient number or account number is blocked for further
18 936 Error Destination Number/Circle
Not Supported for Reload 
The recipient number or account number in supported to do
recharge by operator.
19 940 Error Denomination is not 
Supported for the Destination Number’s Prepaid Plan
The requested recharge denomination is not valid for the recipient number or account number. Please try with different denomination.
20 994 Error Transaction Rejected by Telco Transaction rejected by operator with generic error.
22 995 Error Transaction Can Only be Attempted After 15 minutesTransaction is temporary rejected due to duplicate attempts over a very short period to the same recipient number. Please try again after 15 minutes (generally).
23 996 Error Destination Number Reached the Top Up Limit for the DayThe recipient number or account number has reached the maximum topup limit for the day. Please try again after 24 hours.
24 998 Error Transaction Not Found The transaction ID is not found on Tranglo system.
25 999 Error Exception Error General error on Tranglo system. Please try again.