Partner can use this method to query the status of a transaction. If partner received status code 968 – Transaction Pending, it is means the transaction is still in processing on the recipient mobile operator side, and partner is required to send again Transaction_Enquiry some time later.
Request Parameters
No. | Parameter Name | Mandatory/ Optional | Parameter Data | Sample Parameter Data | Description |
1 | Credentials.UID | M | String | partner_api | The API user ID that assigned to partner. |
2 | Credentials.PWD | M | String | m8tA24bW | The API password that assigned to partner. |
3 | Credentials.Signature | M | String | e0ea4fc301155 2e6f799a447e7 2f9341 | The digital signature that hashed with MD5 algorithm. Please refer section “Appendix: Digital Signature Hashing Algorithm” to hashing reference. |
4 | TrangloTransactionID | M/O | String | 1234567890 | Unique Transaction ID generated by Tranglo system on the response of Request_Reload/Request_ReloadS ync. Partner can choose to use this transaction ID or DealerTransactionID to query the transaction. |
5 | DealerTransactionID | M/O | String | 0a792511-5f1a-4705- 9381- b628992b1a2d | The unique transaction ID from partner system that submitted to method Request_Reload/Request_ReloadS ync earlier. Partner can choose to use this transaction ID or the TrangloTransactionID to query the transaction. |
Sample Request
1 <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" 2 xmlns:tem="" 3 xmlns:tran="" 4 xmlns:tran1=""> 5 <soapenv:Header/> 6 <soapenv:Body> 7 <tem:Transaction_Enquiry> 8 <tem:req> 9 <tran:credential> 10 <tran1:UID>partner_api</tran1:UID> 11 <tran1:PWD>m8tA24bW</tran1:PWD> 12 <tran1:Signature>e0ea4fc3011552e6f799a447e72f9341</tran1:Signature> 13 </tran:credential> 14 <tran:TrangloTransactionId>1234567890</tran:TrangloTransactionId> 15 <tran:DealerTransactionId>0a792511-5f1a-4705-9381- 16 b628992b1a2d</tran:DealerTransactionId> 17 </tem:req> 18 </tem:Transaction_Enquiry> 19 </soapenv:Body> 20 </soapenv:Envelope>
Response Parameters
No. | Parameter Name | Parameter Data Name | Sample Parameter Data | Description |
1 | TrangloTransactionID | String | 1234567890 | Unique Transaction ID generated by Tranglo system on the response of Request_Reload/Request_ReloadSync. |
2 | DealerTransactionID | String | 0a792511-5f1a- 4705-9381-b628992b1a2d | The unique transaction ID from partner system that submitted to b628992b1a2d method Request_Reload/Request_ReloadSync earlier. |
3 | DealerTransactionStatus.Code | String | 968 | The status code of the transaction. |
4 | DealerTransactionStatus.Description | String | Transaction | The description of the status code. |
5 | DealerTransactionStatus.Type | String | Pending | The category of the status code. There is 3 different Type – Approved, Error, and Pending. |
6 | OperatorTransactionID | String | AK89008100012 | Transaction reference number that generated by the mobile operator or recipient biller system. |
Sample Response
1 <s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> 2 <s:Body> 3 <Transaction_EnquiryResponse xmlns=""> 4 <Transaction_EnquiryResult 5 xmlns:a=" 6 xmlns:i=""> 7 <a:TrangloTransactionId>1234567890</a:TrangloTransactionId> 8 <a:DealerTransactionId>0a792511-5f1a-4705-9381- 9 b628992b1a2d</a:DealerTransactionId> 10 <a:DealerTransactionStatus 11 xmlns:b=""> 12 <b:Code>000</b:Code> 13 <b:Description>Transaction is Successful</b:Description> 14 <b:Type>Approved</b:Type> 15 </a:DealerTransactionStatus> 16 <a:OperatorTransactionId>AK89008100012</a:OperatorTransactionId> 17 </Transaction_EnquiryResult> 18 </Transaction_EnquiryResponse> 19 </s:Body> 20 </s:Envelope>