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Wheelchairs Giveaway from Tranglo, Dompet Dhuafa and Celcom
December 24, 2017
Ponorogo, Indonesia: In the third-quarter of 2017 saw Tranglo partnering with Celcom to channel part of its transactions to Dompet Dhuafa in a charity initiative to assist the disable in Ponorogo and Pancitan, East Jawa, Indonesia.
The joint initiative which led to the launch of ‘Smile Wheelchair’ on 22 August 2017, was a great success. Where Tranglo’s Marketing Manager, Vanessa Lu handed over 45 brand new wheelchairs to the disabled recipients from over 11 districts of Ponorogo and Pancitan.
This was all made possible through a 45-day campaign whereby within this period every successful transfer to Indonesia completed, Celcom donated 5.5% of the transaction amount to Dompet Dhuafa. On top of being the enabler of such transactions, Tranglo also donated an extra RM10,000 making the total collected sum amounting to RM46,000.
At the end of this 45-day campaign, we managed to collect enough to purchase 45 brand new wheelchairs for the disabled community in this impoverished part of the community. The individuals were carefully selected and vetted through across 11 districts from neighbouring areas. Which comprised of those with various disabilities spanning across a wide range age group.
About Tranglo
Tranglo is a leading international mobile financial transactions hub operator that enables cross-border airtime exchange, money transfer and bill payment via its award-winning innovative solutions gloTransfer and gloRemit. Tranglo works with prominent mobile operators and financial institutions, vendors/resellers/distributors, remittance service providers across the globe through its local offices in London, Dubai, Malaysia and Jakarta. For more info on Tranglo, please visit www.tranglo.com , https://www.linkedin.com/company/tranglo or www.facebook.com/tranglo
About Dompet Dhuafa
Dompet Dhuafa Republika is a non-profit organization owned by the Indonesian community that is dedicated to raising the social welfare of the dhuafa through ZISWAF funds (Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah, Wakaf) and other halal or legal funds from individuals, groups, companies/institution). It all began when a community of journalists wanting to do good to assist underprivileged individuals. Now it is one of the biggest enablers of financial aid for the needy in Indonesia.
About Celcom
Celcom Axiata Berhad, is the oldest mobile telecommunications provider in Malaysia. Celcom is a member of the Axiata group of companies. Being one of the top mobile telcos in Malaysia, Celcom has a considerable number of users and is one of the most preferred telco to be used in wider Malaysia.
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